Línea Introspectiva.

The Eighties

Visitas: 31In the 1980s Medellin became the epicenter of a series of problems that had been brewing since the first half of the 20th century: uncontrolled population growth, unemployment, poverty and a discredited political class. Drug trafficking burst in with increasing power to the point of permeating the political class. Dark forces in collusion with


The Eighties Leer más »

Aníbal Gil and the Institute of Fine Arts of the University of Antioquia

Visitas: 54It is possible to trace back the evolution of printmaking in Antioquia as an standalone technique of artistic expression by doing a careful review of the history of the Printmaking Workshop of the Institute of Fine Arts of the University of Antioquia, founded by Aníbal Gil in 1960, when the university campus had not


Aníbal Gil and the Institute of Fine Arts of the University of Antioquia Leer más »

The Master Artists

Visitas: 8The invention of graphic techniques did not have an artistic purpose; instead, it was a communication strategy with an exclusively illustrative and commercial aim that became gradually adapted to the artists’ needs. By multiplying the outcome of its creative work through editions enabled by the printmaking techniques, art was allowed to aim for a


The Master Artists Leer más »

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