
Workshop Reactivation

Today, it is possible to talk about a reactivation of the artistic practices linked to the alternatives offered by printmaking in our region; for instance, in the municipality of Envigado we can find the Deúniti Studio, an art collective that has been doing graphic interventions in public spaces since 2006; meanwhile, the Prueba de Estado Printing Studio, which began working in 2008, relocated its headquarters to this municipality in 2014. 

In 2013, the Envigado-based Gráficas Unidas Studio was formed; years later, between 2016 and 2017, it mutated into Impreciso, a studio specialized in silkscreen printing. The Agua Tinta Graphics Studio was created in 2015. Finally, the Talante Printing Studio was formed specialized in different techniques and non-toxic printmaking; subsequently, the Grabadores de Domingo group got settled in Envigado in 2021.

The graphic collective El Sótano became activated in the municipality of Bello, in 2014.

With the advice and support of Felix Angel, a group of artists took on the task of organizing the Printmaking Artists’ Encounter in 2018. That same year, Mariana Renthel formed and took over the direction of the research hotbed GRApha, ascribed to the Aníbal Gil Graphic Laboratory of the Arts Faculty of the University of Antioquia. All these spaces and initiatives reveal a renewed interest in the different printmaking techniques in the city, with topics and concerns linked to the current times.

Other printmaking studios and initiatives have consolidated in recent times, such as the graphic collective Casa Tomada in 2022, with events and activations such as the exhibition Casa Quemada held in August 2023 in the Prado Centro neighborhood.


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